YouTube API version 3 made easy


minimal demo preview Minimal theme darkscroll demo preview Darkscroll theme



Add a div with an id of your choice inside the <body></body> (we'll use id="youtube" in our example)

<div id="youtube"></div>


  1. If not already include, add jQuery inside the head tag
  2. Then add spidochetube.js
  3. Finally initialize the plugin with at least the 2 required parameter : the youtube api KEY and the playlist ID
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/jquery.spidochetube.min.js"></script>
        key         : '[MY YOUTUBE API KEY]',
        id          : 'UU_x5XG1OV2P6uZZ5FSM9Ttw', // add the youtube playlist id of your choice


This step is NOT required, you can easily add your own CSS to match your website design

To use the spidocheTube premade skins, follow the instructions below


Update the HTMl
<div id="youtube" class="spidochetube"></div>
Add the CSS
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/minimal.css" />

Beginner tips: do not forget to change the path of the css file to match your project directory tree

Update the js options settings
        key             : '[MY YOUTUBE API KEY]',
        id              : 'UU_x5XG1OV2P6uZZ5FSM9Ttw',
        max_results     : 20,
        paging          : 'loadmore',
        scroll_duration : 500


Update the HTMl
<div id="youtube" class="spidochetube"></div>
Add the CSS
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/darkscroll.css" />

Beginner tips: do not forget to change the path of the css file to match you project directory tree

Add niceScroll library

For this theme you need to include an additional jQuery plugin call niceScroll from inuyaksa

  1. Download niceScroll from and add it to your js folder
  2. Then Add inside the head tag <script src="js/jquery.nicescroll.min.js"></script>

These script is little heavy but is very simple too install, and it's work on any browser (ie7 include)

Update the js options settings
        key         : '[MY YOUTUBE API KEY]',
        id          : 'UU_x5XG1OV2P6uZZ5FSM9Ttw',
        max_results : 8,
        complete: function(){
            // Initialize the scroll plugin after the playlist is ready
            $('#spidochetube_list').niceScroll({cursorcolor:'#666', cursorborder:'0px solid #fff',autohidemode:false});


Name Type Default value Options available Description
key string 'none'   Add your youtube API key , get one on the google dev console
id string 'UU_x5XG1OV2P6uZZ5FSM9Ttw'  

Your playlist id, it's can be a user playist id or a user last entries playlist

if no argument submit spidochetube will display the last google devlopper channel entries

How to find a playlist id?

max_results integer 10 1 to 50 50 results per page/load maximum (youtube api limitation)
autoplay integer 0 1 Set to 1 if you want to autoplay the videos
paging string 'none'



scroll_duration Interger 0   The speed of the scroll animation after clicking on a video item, useful if you have a long list on videos and the player on the top
complete function     Callback function fire after list is loaded


Download spidochetube.min.js Contains spidochetube.min.js + skin css files

More options

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